Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Here is Grace, just chillin', during a cold laser treatment with Dr. Pat.

AWESOME news, Grace is trying to stand!! This from a dog who showed "no clinical signs" of recovery when she came into rescue.

We will be getting a cart for Grace, but we have not given up hope of her walking. The cart will be used more as a walker in the next step in her recovery. This will give her the chance to move her legs as if she was walking with the cart supporting her.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Gracie's break through

Major excitement at Grace's vet check up this week. She has deep pain sensation in one toe. This is a big deal as she has not had DPS for the last 10 weeks. She did not right her foot when the vet put it over on the knuckles (called "the toe test"), but Grace did make an attempt. Another first!!! She pulled her back foot out of the vet's hand 3 or 4 times.

For the first time, we have some traditional clinical signs of possible recovery.

Grace has had 2 treatments of discus compositum and 2 cold laser treatments. We go back in two weeks for another assessment. Although Grace is still on crate rest, she is allowed limited movements while I am changing her crate, 3 times a day. is the website of the rescue sponsoring Grace. She is on the home page. Thank you to all who have bought magnets to help fund Grace's treatments.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Our new foster, Grace

We have a new foster in the house. Grace is a 4 year old doxie, down in the back about 10 weeks now. She came into rescue about 3 weeks after going down. She had received some medications, but no crating during that time.

We have a long road ahead of us. Grace is on steroids, crate rest and receiving discus compostium injections coupled with cold laser treatments. I am very grateful to Tiny Paws Dog Rescue for stepping up to the plate and providing Grace with every chance to walk again. Thank yout to Sandra Rosano as well for donated TellingtonTouch therapy and teaching me treatments we can do at home.
She does not have deep pain and fails the toe test, but there are some interesting reflex responses which tell us that some signals are getting through :-)
Grace is a happy girl. She LOVES belly rubs and giving kisses. Whether she walks again, or rolls through life in a cart, she will make someone a wonderful companion.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The circles of life

I named this blog "life with 3 special dachshunds" when we were only 3, each with a different type of special need. Then Daisy Mae was returned and Stanley came into our lives. Then it was life with 3 dachshunds with a specific special need, plus "the boys".

Life has circled back; Daisy Mae left us December 18/09 and my sweet boy Stanley left us this past Saturday, January 23/10. Again it is life with 3 special dachshunds.

Stanley has changed me forever. His pawprints will always be on my heart. Quiet, dignified, with a charm that drew people to him at first sight, he was one of those "special" furkids. He forced me to face fears and grow, to give him his fluids. Never did I ever think I would stick a needle into a living thing. Love for him was greater than my fears. Stanley's legacy is that skill. Some place, somewhere, maybe on an EARS deployment, I believe I will need this skill again to help another animal - Stanley's gift to that furkid.

I am glad that I was able to track down his first family and they were with us at the end. Stanley did recognize them and wagged his tail. However hard it was to make that drive to them, knowing what was coming, I am glad that I was able to give him and them that last meeting.

I miss him so much.

Dogspeed my little Snorey Bear

Friday, January 8, 2010

Life with Kidney Failure

We are doing pretty well. I am so touched with the response from the rescue community. I sent out an email asking for help to hold Stanley while I do his sub-q fluids. I am happy to say that we have a full rotation of volunteers; pretty well every day of the week has someone assigned to help us. Sometimes they come to us and sometimes we go to them. 10 minutes or less and my boy is good for another 24 hours.

I fuss over Stanley. If he does not eat/drink as much as I think he should, I worry. The vet said 24 hours without eating and we need to get back to the hospital. He needs to keep his kidneys flushed out. I try to add 2 cups of water per day to his food, in addition to his 100ml of sub-q fluids.

A bonus with having our "gas station attendants" is that I get impartial feed back from them about how Stanley is doing. Someone who sees him once or twice a week is more likely to notice changes that I am; seeing him constantly.

It is not easy to keep his appetite stimulated. He has not been a big eater since coming to me. He is not fond of the prescription dog food, so finding appropriate, low protein enhancements for his meals is a struggle.

I am getting much better at handling his needles for the sub-q fluids. Having someone hold him makes all the difference.

I know that we are just buying time. This is not a cure. We are grateful beyond words for the people who have volunteered to be part of his palliative care.

For now, my boy is content, eating well and taking an interest in his surroundings. He enjoys cuddles, tolerates his treatments and is just his charming, adorable self. What more could I ask for. Each day is a blessing with our Christmas Miracle.
