We are doing pretty well. I am so touched with the response from the rescue community. I sent out an email asking for help to hold Stanley while I do his sub-q fluids. I am happy to say that we have a full rotation of volunteers; pretty well every day of the week has someone assigned to help us. Sometimes they come to us and sometimes we go to them. 10 minutes or less and my boy is good for another 24 hours.
I fuss over Stanley. If he does not eat/drink as much as I think he should, I worry. The vet said 24 hours without eating and we need to get back to the hospital. He needs to keep his kidneys flushed out. I try to add 2 cups of water per day to his food, in addition to his 100ml of sub-q fluids.
A bonus with having our "gas station
attendants" is that I get impartial feed back from them about how Stanley is doing. Someone who sees him once or twice a week is more likely to notice changes that I am; seeing him constantly.
It is not easy to keep his appetite stimulated. He has not been a big eater since coming to me. He is not fond of the prescription dog food, so finding appropriate, low protein enhancements for his meals is a struggle.
I am getting much better at handling his needles for the sub-q fluids. Having someone hold him makes all the difference.
I know that we are just buying time. This is not a cure. We are grateful beyond words for the people who have volunteered to be part of his
palliative care.
For now, my boy is content, eating well and taking an interest in his surroundings. He enjoys cuddles, tolerates his treatments and is just his charming, adorable self. What more could I ask for. Each day is a blessing with our Christmas Miracle.